Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Day two - so many comments!

Who knew that the first post on my first blog would generate so many comments! Truthfully it was mostly based around the title I chose and the fully BS reason I gave for choosing it. I really only chose it because of the association with movies. I added the crap about society/nutrition, etc. as a BS reason after the fact. Still, the debate over popcorn being good or bad for you rages on.

In other news, I have decided that my thoughts on this experience are probably going to be more concentrated at the beginning. So I have decided that instead of writing every little bit the day I experience it, I will spread it out a little more. Some of it you may find is out of chronological sequence as a result.

Still deciding the worth of writing this second blog. Still not liking it. I feel slimy.
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Day one - My first impressions of being a blogger

As you know from my previous post. I am very skeptical about this whole thing. Yet, somehow, I am already thrust into the blog world full force with a whopping two blogs! How many does a girl need? Maybe we have yet to find out. Already I am having to relearn old html code I had long forgotten, and I am being asked to learn about RSS subscriptions. It's madness!

As far as the effect it has had on me, well, I don't know yet. It's all fresh and new. Something to distract me from real life. Something to take my concentration away from better things. I am sure that will wear off soon. One strange thing is that I suddenly have begun to care about using the correct words and semi-correct grammar. I keep going back and re-editing posts so that they can be rid of some ugly mistakes. Already my writing is being reinvigorated. I have been given the excuse to um... pick up the pen again and it feels pretty good. I suddenly have tons of ideas for essays. Yeah I am trying really hard not to get too self-important and whatnot. For instance, I am being careful to only write about things that I think are worthwhile. I wrote my first film review and promptly deleted it when I realized that the film wasn't even worth hating, (I am embarassed to say I wrote on Thumb Wars). I got a hold of myself and deleted it. I plan to write something much more meaningful soon about documentaries and WINGED MIGRATION. But in the end, I can't seem really to be free of self-indulgence and narcissism, can I? I mean, what more mundane thoughts could I be sharing with the world (and more likely no one) than my thoughts on the blogging experience itself. Is that it? Am I already defeated? Was it that easy for me to be just like those other bloggers that think every thought is worth something? I hope not. At least this second blog will keep me from bringing down the integrity of the other blog with talk ABOUT blogging. (Excuse me, did I just say something about the integrity of a blog??? This IS trouble.) Ugh, consumed too much with self today. Must go to bed and wake up with this whole blog thing as a strange dream. G'night!
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A whole new blog!

I began my new blog, Popcorn and a Coke today, and joined the community of bloggers with some reservations. I am just not sure about how I feel about the whole thing. The above blog was conceived of as functioning in two ways for me: A place to hold and publish my thoughts on films as well as an experiment in and of itself on the blogging experience. Well, there is already discussion as to what my experience is and will be. Rather than make my movie blog into a blog about blogging, I decided to create a separate blog about blogging and here we are. So if you want to read my commentary on movies & society, etc. Read the other one. If you want to read about my experiences as a blogger, read this one.
Below is the original post from Popcorn and a Coke.
I am not a member of your world, bloggers. I don't really get this whole thing. Blogging often serves a purpose. Some use it to report home while abroad instead of filling inboxes with travellogs as I did (sorry guys). Some use it to report new findings in their area of expertise to a world of blog readers (who are you by the way?) But many use it (from what I see) to enlighten the world with their nuggets of wisdom and wit. To me it seems narcissistic and self-indulgent to do this. As if publishing one's everyday thoughts online makes one's thoughts suddenly significant and profound rather than mundane. Worthy of readership by the mass of internet surfers and blog-readers out there (seriously, who are you???) Perhaps this is the next step of fighting off the anonymity or mundaneness of life. However, blogging doesn't seem to fend off anonymity to me. On the internet? Are you kidding me? How on earth do you stand out in an ocean of information when you are but a speck of plankton? (ooh that's deep). But I have discussed it with my computer-geek husband, and we think maybe I am missing something. So this blog, though mainly a place to jot my notes on the films I see, is my experiment with blogging. As I see it, one of three things will happen: I will decide that it still isn't for me, I will decide I have got it all wrong, or I will fall prey to the need to stroke my own ego and believe my everyday thoughts to be important, worthy of publishing and myself to be more than a speck of plankton. (And in the case of the latter, I will undoubtably insist it is because I had it all wrong about blogs.)

Oh and if you are wondering about the title of my blog. And I know you are! It's what many order at the concession stand when we see a film. Not great, but "reel comments," "filmology," and "cinefile" were already taken and I really didn't want to waste anymore time on a name. It's also a commentary on our society and our love of all things synthetic. Fatten us up and titalate our simple taste buds, but don't worry about nutritional content or resulting harm to us! You see, with this title I can not only discuss film, but also offer my deep, intellectual insights on pop-culture, society, etc.. (UGH I am already going over to the blog side of the force aren't I?)
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